Geographic Information Systems are an essential part of many different organizations and they can be used to meet a variety of diverse requirements. Doyle and Wachtstetter, Inc. actively maintains and monitors geographic database systems for nearly 3,400 miles of pipelines throughout the Texas Gulf Coast Area (See Pipelines Link) which is greater than the distance from either Houston, Texas to Anchorage, Alaska or New York, New York to London, Great Britain. We also maintain a variety of geographic systems used for oil and gas leasing and transmission services for databasing and regulatory or permiting requirements. We work with various datasets and conversions which are used for permitting and regulatory requirements. Data analysis and visualization tools allow us to help interpret data from different sources and combine the information contain in a more friendly format which can be used for calculations or presentations. We are familiar with a variety data formats and have the capabilities to transform them to match our clients needs or projects. This may include unifying data from different sources so that it may be compared for engineering purposes (See Engineering and Design Link), CAD drawings, Containment Volume and Drainage Studies, Terrain Modelling, Visualization or Virtual Representation, Processing or Geo-Referencing.