When it comes to boundary surveys, Doyle & Wachtstetter Inc. is a superior Land Surveying Firm. Land Surveying is a business consisting of vast amounts of legal research, field reconnaissance and boundary analysis . Quite frankly many firms in the state do not have the budget and the resources to do it correctly. You may be able to locate a land surveyor who can do it "cheaper," but you will not be able to find a company that can do it "cheaper" correctly. With over 100 years of combined survey experience amongst our Registered Surveyors, not a one has ever had their boundary determination overturned in court, and all are in great standing with the profession and in that we take pride.
Title Surveys
Property Plats and Maps
Legal Descriptions (Metes and Bounds)
Property Line and Boundary Corner Staking
Encroachment Surveys
Access Easements and Right-of-Way, etc.
Aerial Photography